Congratulations to our latest and 21st CCL graduate, Justin Storn.
- Justin became our 21st graduate by have a strong performance at the recent US Open.
- At the US Open he play seven 2100 players, scoring 4.5/7 against them, gaining 37 rating points in the tournament
- This young player, and current Ohio Grade Level Champion, has a bright future.
- See a a game that Justin played at the U.S. Open by CLICKING HERE.
- This Who’s Who chess list has been growing with great talent which is clearly characterized by a high value on perseverance, hard work, and passion.What is a CCL graduate? It is an honorary degree that we give to any CCL player who has worked their way through the ranks while in CCL and has made a USCF experts rating (>= 2000). This group is becoming a who’s who of the top young talent around. It entitles them to lifetime membership in CCL, based on good behavior, without the requirement of taking lessons (although most still do). They are allowed to receive email spam from me for the rest of their lives!!
- Who will be next?
CCL graduates are (in order of obtainment):
- John Hughes
- Walker Griggs
- Maggie Feng
- Rahul Ramaswamy
- Annorjan Naguleswaran
- Luke Xie
- Chris Shen
- Noah Keating-Adams
- Sam Massick
- Anagh Kulkarni
- Vikram Srivastava
- Aristo Liu
- Abhi Ramaswamy
- Jason Wang
- Ricky Wang
- Vincent Baker
- Forest Chen
- Neo Zhu
- Alex Kolay
- Xavier Paganini
- Justin Storn