We have received many requests for entry into CCL by players who have shown potential but have not quite reached our criteria for entry. As a result, we decided to develop a Pre-CCL program, a training program designed by the CCL coaching staff, to meet this need. Every benefit of being is CCL in granted all Pre-CCL students but at a lower cost!
Below are the differences between the two programs:
Students ratings:
UR – 800 = Pre-CCL
800 – 1000 = either program
over 1000 = CCL
The head of the Pre-CCL program and the primary coach in this program is NM Vladimir Kizov.
Pre-CCL students can use CCL coaches but at the CCL rate.
All coaches are listed on The Coaches page.
Pre-CCL … Internet
$35/hour lesson – with Pre-CCL Director, NM Vladimir Kizov or FWM Jelena Arsovic
$40/hour lesson – with FM Sasa Jevtic
CCL ………. over-the-board
$60 for a 1.5 hour lesson or $75 for a 2 hour lesson with – US master
CCL ………. Internet
$50/hour – International Master
$60/hour – Internet Grandmaster
Internet based chess club requirement:
Pre-CCL ……. chess.com (free) or ICC (special CCL rate of $56 for 2 years)
CCL ………… ICC (special CCL rate of $56 for 2 years)
Requests for entry into this program should be directed to:
NM Alan Casden, CCL Program Director
cell = (614) 561-2718