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2nd place finishes for Vincent Baker and Jason Wang at 2014 National Grade Levels
Only 3 CCL players made the trip for the National Grade Level Championships this year: defending 2nd grade champion Jason Wang, Vincent Baker and Aristo Liu. In this 7 round event, things looked pretty good after 5 rounds. Jason was 5-0. while Vincent and Aristo were both at 4.5-.5. However round 6 proved to be tough for the CCL team with both Jason and Aristo losing, while Vincent drew. In the final round Jason and Vincent both won, allowing them to finish with very strong 6-1 scores. This allowed Jason to tie for 2nd place in 3rd grade while Vincent tied for 2nd in 6th grade. They all represented CCL very well. To the right is the only picture that I received, of Vincent with his trophy.