chess lessons and more, for players of all strengths and ages
Hi, I am Adai Alagappan, better known as Aadhi's dad. I have two key roles in volunteering for CCL. The first is to scout upcoming tournaments of interest and post them on the CCL WhatsApp site. In the past, we noticed that not everyone was aware of forthcoming tournaments. By joining the CCL WhatsApp group, you will see the most essential tournaments in my announcements. I am also the liaison between the community and the CCL group. I will be scanning the CCL WhatsApp meetup group for concerns to bring to the whole group for discussion and possibly a vote. You can email me your tournament information, concerns, or suggestions.
Here are Upcoming Chess Tournaments in Ohio state from Jan 1st, 2025 to March 31st 2025
If you have any questions, feel free to reach me